
[한겨레신문]네이처 보도 “한국 대운하 국내외 거센 반대”

아타1004 2008. 3. 22. 22:03



한반도 대운하 사업 공약에 대한 지식인들의 반대가 봇물을 이루고 있다고 세계적인 과학전문지 <네이처>가 20일(한국시각) 인터넷판에서 보도했다.

‘세계 물의 날’(3월22) 특집의 하나로 실린 이 기사는 “이명박 대통령의 대표적 공약이 한국 국내는 물론 외국의 과학자, 경제학자, 환경론자의 반대에 부닥치고 있다”며 “381명이 참여한 ‘대운하 건설에 반대하는 서울대 교수 모임’이 다음 주초 전국 교수 모임으로 발족할 예정”이라고 소개했다.

<네이처>는 이 기사에서 미국에서 활동 중인 한국인 과학자들의 견해를 들어 왜 전문가들이 대운하 계획에 반대하는지를 설명했다. 델라웨어대의 퇴적물 운반 전문가인 유경수씨는 “퇴적물 때문에 운하의 일부는 10년 또는 개통 첫 해에 막힐 것”이라며 “강하구로 실려가는 퇴적물 감소가 중국 싼샤댐(삼협댐)에서와 같은 문제를 일으킬 것”이라고 내다봤다. 조지메이슨대 습지 생태학자인 안창우 교수는 “지난 100년 동안 미국 일리노이강과 미시시피강 상류에서 댐과 제방 건설이 초래한 대가를 교훈으로 삼아야 한다”고 주장했다.

또 국내 전문가인 김정욱 서울대 환경대학원 교수는 “경부운하 건설비는 홍수 이주비까지 포함하면 14조원이 아닌 40조~50조원에 이를 것”이라고 주장했고, 홍종호 한양대 경제학부 교수는 “추진 쪽의 경제성 분석은 근거가 없으며 독립적인 연구집단이 철저히 조사하는 데만도 3~5년은 걸린다”고 말했다고 <네이처>는 보도했다.

<네이처>는 이어 홍 교수의 말을 빌려 “집권당이 총선에서 과반수 득표에 실패할까봐 대중이 지지하지 않는 대운하 언급을 피하고 있지만, 총선이 끝나면 무슨 수단을 써서라도 사업을 강행할 것으로 많은 이들이 예상한다”며 “그것이 최악의 시나리오”라고 전했다.

조홍섭 환경전문기자 ecothink@hani.co.kr



Korean waterway project gathers opposition
Flood of complaints hits ambitious canal plan.

Water can make for easier transport than land... but at what price?Water can make for easier transport than land... but at what price? Punchstock

The South Korean president’s plan to tie together the county’s main waterways is riling scientists, economists and environmentalists at home and abroad.

President Myung-bak Lee, who assumed office on 25 February, has been pressing forward with plans for a ‘Grand Korean Waterway’, an ambitious plan to link all the country’s major rivers by canals.

The only part of the Grand Waterway about which any details have been released will connect the two largest rivers, the Han and the Nakdong, through a series of reservoirs with new dams and weirs. The 540-kilometre canal will allow barges to make the 2,100-kilometre journey from the capital Seoul in the north to the second largest city, Busan, in the south-east. This first stage of Lee’s plan is already meeting fierce opposition.

Lee’s website lists numerous advantages, including the creation of thriving trading ports at inland cities such as Daegu in the south. Lee says that half of the 14 trillion won (US$14 billion) will be covered from private investment and half from selling gravel recovered from the project. “Not a dime of taxpayer’s money will be spent, while gaining tremendous benefits such as distribution expense reduction, traffic cost reduction, flood prevention, water quality and environment improvement, tourist attractions,” the website states.

But others say that the expensive project will probably cost more than the estimate, cause flooding in some areas, disrupt habitats of endangered species and not necessarily provide any economic benefits. A network of professors nationwide is planning to announce their opposition to the canal plan at a press conference early next week, they told Nature News .

Shifting sands

According to Kyungsoo Yoo, a sediment transport specialist at the University of Delaware, Newark, the canal system is a risky one, affecting a 50,000 km2 watershed area: more than half of the total area of South Korea. Yoo warns that erosion would build, on average, a 80-centimetre thick layer of sediment each decade, which would vary from place to place and increase the risk of flooding. “It would not be surprising if a portion of the canal became choked within a decade, or even a year,” says Yoo. The river deltas will also be deprived of sediment, which the Three Gorges dam project in China showed can be problematic1.

Wetland and floodplain ecologist Changwoo Ahn of George Mason University,Fairfax, Virginia, says the toll taken by the dam and levee building over the past 100 years on the Illinois River and Upper Mississippi should be a lesson about what happens when flood plains are disturbed.“Now the US government spends millions of dollars each year to manage flood-plain wildlife refuges to grow certain plants as food sources for migrating birds which would be grown by the natural flow regime if it had not been altered,” Ahn says.

The South Korean project will interfere with wildlife too. Youngryel Ryu, a postdoctoral student specializing in biodiversity at the University of California, Berkeley,who has been outspoken in his opposition to the project, says the canal will further endanger 58 endangered species, including 8 fish and 40bird species.

And any benefit to carbon dioxide emissions from using boats instead of trucks for transport may be countered by the loss of vegetation and carbon sinks during the construction, says Dong-Gill Kim, a graduate student at Iowa State University studying environmental science.

Rising costs

Jung Wk Kim, a professor of environmental studies at Seoul NationalUniversity, says the 14-trillion-won estimate has left out some obvious costs, including relocating flooded villages. He estimates the cost at 40-50 trillion won.

Economist Jong Ho Hong of Hanyang University in Seoul also questions the economic gain to be had. The estimate of the economic impact of “the freight generation, tourism,job creation, local development and environmental improvement thatpro-canal experts claim is totally groundless,” he says. He calls for “thorough study by an independent group”, which he estimates would take 3–5 years.

That is unlikely to fit Lee’s schedule. While there is no official starting date for the project, Lee has said that he wants to finish it during his 5-year term. Opponents say the only thing that might stop it is a defeat for Lee’s Grand National Party in the coming parliamentary elections in April.

On 10 March, 381 Seoul National University professors formed a group to campaign against the project. “Mr Lee and the newly formed governmentare trying not to talk about the plan at this moment, since they know public opinion is not favorable about the project at all. They are afraid that emphasis on [the] canal project might damage the ruling party's chance to gain a majority of National Assembly seats. But once the general election is over, many expect that the government will use every means possible to enforce the project, including passing a special law to facilitate the process. It will be the worst-case scenario possible,” says Hong.